Once again I was paired as a Big, and my little was the one and only Lizzy from Minnesota Night!
Lizzy really wanted help with learning how to network and possible figuring out a new layout for her space. We exchanged emails and texted a bit, and were able to have a short facetime session last week. I advised Lizzy to sign up for Passionfruit and start during easy free or swapped buttons with other bloggers. I also told Lizzy to start commenting more on sites she was interested in, trying to find some bloggers that were similar to her own in size and content and interact with them, and to find some bloggers in her area that may already have a group going or to start one herself (if you live in or around the St. Paul/Minneapolis area you need to hit her up pronto!!)
As with blog design I tried to help Lizzy decide whether she wanted an easy to install pre-designed layout or wanted to go with the specialty route. Cost wise it can be a bit more expensive to do something personalized but depending on the designer not too too much. And of course we talked about the fantastic pinterest. I myself don't pin as much as I need to, but getting an email from pinterest saying 27 people clicked through to my blog just last week alone has made the few things I've put up worth it. If she just went through and pinned old posts she could potentially get some new hits and fans. Also a hover pin-it button to her site to give her current readers a chance to pin their favorites.
Overall it was a great experience again, and I hope to continue to participate in the program. Lizzy and I had a harder time just trying to find time to talk between the time-change and our schedules so that definitely limited our participation but I think at the end of the day we both still got some help out of it as well as new blogger to chat with and get to know.
The ladies who run the program- Chelsee, Deb, Rachel, C
Happy Monday!
This sounds like a really cool program, I'm going to have to check it out! Enjoy your week!
Lauren Elizabeth
Petite in Pearls
Definitely- when the next round comes up I'll let everyone know for sure! It's a great program and a wonderful way to meet some other bloggers.