Tomorrow I am leaving for Costa Rica with work for almost two weeks, and before you say how lucky I am, let me tell you- it is still work. I am very very very much looking forward to my next day off on January 2nd. I plan to sleep a lot that day and drink a bottle of wine. Happy New Year to you too. But I am also looking forward to the warm weather down south and the delicious fruit they will be serving, weird- I don't care.
I'm most likely going to be MIA until 2015 so I'm going to send you all some well wishes now. I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday, gets to spend wonderful time with their friends and family and that you are all safe, healthy and happy. 2014 has been pretty fantastic, it had some rough times, but a lot of really really awesome times too. I traveled to new countries, met new friends, watched some great concerts, ate some delicious food, bought new grown-up things. I started this blog, which has amazingly been more fun than I could have hoped for, and I was introduced to all of you. So thank you, for stopping by, reading, sharing your thoughts, for coming to this space. Here's to another fantastic, if not even better, year!
And to round out what will most likely be the last post of the year, I want to introduce you guys to one of my marvelous sponsors.
first off, her birthday is TODAY! you heard me, birthday = today! if anything you must go to her blog and wish her a very very Happy Birthday right now. Libby is a pretty awesome person, and I love reading her posts about building a new home with her husband. And she is totally obsessed with Christmas, I mean who isn't- I'm Jewish and it's one of my favorite times of the year! I had a super fun q&a session with her- enjoy the answers below, and make sure to stop by and give her happy birthday thoughts! (plus she loves JT, which mean she also probably loves 'Nsync and if that isn't a girl after my own heart then I don't know what to think...)
If you could travel to any place in the world, right now, where would you go?
Right now, being that it's the holidays an all, it would be New York City. I
grew up in Upstate New York and have actually never been to NYC. I'm
pretty much obsessed with all things Christmas, so New York City at
Christmas time just makes sense. Plus, seeing as I have a thing for huge
Christmas trees, it just sort of makes sense that I would want to go
visit Rockefeller Center.
Hosting my best friend's gender reveal: http://www.
What are your 3 favorite posts
My adoption journey: http://www. finding-answers-my-adoption- journey.html
If You Knew Me In High School: http://www. if-you-knew-me-in-high-school. html
What inspired you to start blogging?
started my blog at the same time as I was starting a new job. I was
leaving a job that was my comfort zone, where a had made a bunch of
really great friends and starting something new and completely
different. Starting this blog was a way for me to share about my life
and my day, as if I was chatting with a former coworker over tea in the
morning. From there, I just sort of got hooked on blogging and on the
friendships and connections it provided. It gave me a place to be
creative, a reason to drag my husband on all sorts of adventures, and it
motivated me to try new recipes and create new home decor. It became a
place that was mine and only mine, and I fell in love!
What is your favorite album/cd of all time?
Justin Timberlake's 20/20 Experience Album. Because it's Justin
Timberlake, and because you get 20 (actually 21 cause there's a bonus
track) when you normally only get 10-12 songs on an album. If you
haven't seen him in concert, absolutely do it because he's AMAZING! I'm
obviously still one of those boy band obsessed teenagers at heart, and
I'm okay with that!
Do you have any hidden talents?
can memorize anything. But it's usually the stuff that you have no need
for. Like I remember exactly where I was when I heard certain songs or
the lyrics to a choir song I sang in fifth grade. I'm not sure that my
husband appreciates this talent as much as I do.
What are the best dishes you can cook? (bonus points if you've posted them on your blog!)
this is big for me because up until a few years ago I would have told
you I hate cooking. It wasn't until we bought our own house and I
started experimenting more that I really started to love cooking. One of
my favorite things to do in the kitchen recently is to can or preserve.
I make a pretty awesome pasta sauce (http://www.healthloveandfire. com/2014/07/pasta-sauce- canning.html)
I'm a Diet anything kind of gal really. When coke was doing their Share
A Coke with _____ thing, I was all about how fun that was and trying to
find my friend's names on them (because we all know they were never
going to have Libby on the side of that can). But if we are talking
plain boring packaging, both brands having their normal label, I'm a
Diet Pepsi gal :) Unless this is from McDonalds, because they have the
best soda mix ever! (Clearly I'm crazy and if you give me either I'd
drink them!)

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